So I've been MIA not because I don't love you Dear Diary Blog but because I've been INSANELY busy.
May consisted of traveling Europe and seeing the sights of London, Ireland, Amsterdam, Berlin, Budapest, Madrid, Rome, Florence, and Pisa and then flying back to France to act as camp counselor for Région Langues - a week long intensive English summer camp in June, before flying home. HOME. Sweet sweet burrito filled talking pundit karaoke singing 24 hour convenient store HOME. But not before I landed a gig for next year. THAT'S RIGHT BLOG I'm returning to France in a matter of days now to teach! I rented an apartment before I left in the center of town and got my first taste of native living - minus that blasted Carte Vitale. P is going to fetch the keys from the landlady next week and hopefully pick out and arrange every piece of Ikea décor I've always wanted but never wanted to keep for more than a day to fête my 2nd tour of France. He's very excited. I'm very excited.
P came to visit me a mere 9 days after I left France in my homeland, the great state of California, where we did everything our pursestrings could afford. For a month. Some people were worried (his mother was worried) a month would be a long time together. I myself warned him of my inherent American feminism and possible clashes of opinion or culture shock on his part or general headaches from all the translating to be done, but none of it came to pass. It was exhausting as we saw Sacramento, San Francisco (twice), LA, San Diego, and Vegas but mostly just impoverishing rather than dis-amorous-izing (disamoring? disamorizing? chipotable?). Look out GRE I make my OWN WORDS. I had a wonderful time with him as he gave me an excuse to see everyone and everything I had missed during the last year. For his part he's halfway convinced to move here, he loved it so much - good job Cali & Co.!
Finally I'm in the final days of my visit home as my work contract calls me back to the Franceland and I'm a bit pooped. Sad. But getting more excited with each passing day. What a great adventure life is! How many opportunities are out there just waiting to be found and taken! I'm also currently considering taking the GRE and doing grad school apps this Fall which would mean with concurrently teaching 10 classes a week. What??????
To be continued with baguette in hand