Last foreseeable blog entry before landing on American soil.
I sit here in my almost empty apartment, strewn with dust bunnies, cleaning supplies, and (le sigh) memories and feel pretty good. This time last week I was barely hanging on, so nervous and worried for the future, and now that my departure is a day away, I'm satisfied with my experiences here. Well, my satisfaction is mixed with resignation, but I digress. I'm not too bent out of shape about leaving, mostly because I know I'll be back. If I actually intend to obtain a masters this year, I really need to come back by about February.
Moving apartments is always a little sad though, and I find myself wishing for a starbucks to help me finish the job and caffeinate me beyond caring.
Going away presents from Rouen:
1. I ate the best cheese ever yesterday. 6 month old Neufchatel and delicious Comté.
2. A homeless man masturbating in the street.
3. A waiter that tried to steal 20 euros from our bill for his tip.
Ya win some, ya lose some.
Goodbye for now, Rouen! I love you, despite your odd nooks and crannies and crazies, and I can't wait until we're reunited once again. See you next year! Bisous <3
On to the next adventure...