Friday, July 26, 2013

Hearts in Rouen, a love letter

to Rouen! My little city. I've spent the last ten months writing and perfecting my first novel, Hearts in Rouen.

Essentially a love letter to Rouen, Hearts in Rouen mixes elements that I love reading about in my favorite literature. Romance. Suspense. Mystery. Foreign culture. History. All with (to paraphrase the wish lists of so many agents) an engaging, unique voice that draws in the reader from page one. I love France and despite certain obnoxious parts of it (the préfecture, everything closing on Sundays/Mondays, HUGE taxes to support the amazing social welfare system here), when I sat down to write last November, the only subject that felt right was this country, this culture, this city.

Now that I've got my baby polished within an inch of its life, trying to find a home for it is my next objective. You know, along with moving back to California indefinitely, trying to smuggle as much Camembert in my luggage as physically possible, and finding a group of French friends with whom to keep up my language skills and/or drive me around since I won't have a car.


Until then, stay tuned for publishing updates and maybe some excerpts from the book exclusively here on my blog.
