Friday, July 26, 2013

The Sorbonne


It actually happened a few weeks ago but I was still doing paperwork for enrollment, solidifying my acceptance, up until two days ago. I got accepted to one of the most prestigious French universities, and the most internationally well known French university, in the second year of the Masters program. BOOM!

Technically, I have the level of an M1 (first year of Masters) but I argued my way into M2 of the International Studies, English Studies program for pretty obvious reasons - American, 4 year college degree, awesome French skillzz. I couldn't be more excited!

And to boot, the entire scholastic year costs 514 euros. Take that $60 K price tag of American masters programs!!

I don't know what I'm going to do afterward, or even how the year is going to go, writing an 80 paged thesis in French while in California half the time, but I'm optimistic. Already getting this far is an achievement in itself, and I'm choosing to celebrate before letting doomsday thoughts win over.

With any luck, I'll have a masters AND be published (to self-pub or to agent, that is the question) by this time next year.