Saturday, July 13, 2013

Des choses à faire

A little under three weeks and I'll be boarding a plane to New York where I'll spend a few days with my fabulous married friends, then fly on home to California. To sun and surf and English.

In the mean time I'm stocking up on Camembert cheese. And trying to accomplish various dreams and long standing wishes.

Acceptance to the masters program at the celebrated Sorbonne university: Check!

Completion of my first novel based in France and utilizing my knowledge of the language and culture: Double check! (Gotta get it while the getting's good)

Getting published: Ummm... well about that. I'm working on self-publishing but putting my infant expression of love out there for the wolves to devour is terrifying and not exactly an easy undertaking to boot. There are ebook covers involved and wiley ebook cover designers to sift through. I have a few recommendations from friends and the almighty internet is helpful but who really knows where to start? Then there's the issue of choosing a market to publish in, Amazon the Monopolizer or smaller sites that still provide access to world markets, but less strategically good odds for authors.

If anyone knows of good ebook cover designers, feel free to leave a comment here :) Otherwise, I hope to have made a decision (ie: published) before I leave here the beginning of August.

Let the countdown begin! (again)